All You Need to Know About Ether

Ether is a vital component of the Ethereum platform. Much like Bitcoin is a digital currency that can be spent…

A Guide to Ethereum

 In the most basic form, Ethereum is a blockchain-based open-source platform that gives developers the opportunity to build decentralized applications…

A Guide to the Blockchain

What is this blockchain we keep hearing so much about? Before I go into too many details, let’s look at…

The Future of Bitcoin and the Blockchain

BITCOIN IS NOT SO MUCH a single software program as it is software written using a model called the blockchain…

Bitcoin : Software as Political Program

WHILE WE HAVE SO FAR DISCUSSED it as currency, its advocates frequently promote Bitcoin as a new form of money…

Central Banking Conspiracy Theories

FEDERAL RESERVE CONSPIRACY THEORIES are the most prominent elements of far- right propaganda found in Bitcoin commentary. This is not…

An Overview of Bitcoin

MOST PEOPLE FIRST ENCOUNTER BITCOIN as a digital currency (this is shorthand; whether it is a “true” currency is a…

Central Banking, Inflation, and Right-Wing Extremism

IN THE 1960S AND 1970S the John Birch Society (JBS) was  the  best-known exponent of right-wing extremist thought in the…

Bitcoin, Digital Culture, and RightWing Politics

IN THE EARLY 2010S, and then especially throughout 2013, observers of digital culture began to read more and more about…